The Hero’s Journey: Embracing Self-Compassion in the New Year

As we usher in the new year, I want to honor the incredible path you've traveled. To all the strivers, survivors, doers, achievers, people-pleasers, and perfectionists: this message is for you.

In the relentless pursuit of perfection, many of us find ourselves constantly striving to figure everything out. However, there's a powerful antidote to this exhausting chase: Self-Compassion.

Self-compassion isn't about letting yourself off the hook; it's about extending the same kindness to yourself that you would to a friend in distress. It's a soothing balm that counters the harsh whispers of perfectionism, which often asks, "Why haven’t you figured this out yet?" Instead, self-compassion lovingly affirms, "I am so proud of you for keeping an open heart and mind as you navigate life."

Perfectionism might cruelly question, "What’s wrong with you?" But self-compassion reassures, "It’s okay to feel deeply and seek support. This journey is complex, and it’s okay to not have all the answers."

This shift in dialogue from self-criticism to self-support can significantly alter how we perceive ourselves and our struggles. Symptoms like perfectionism, over-giving, and people-pleasing often stem from a deep-seated belief that we are not enough. Let me tell you, unequivocally, that you are more than enough just as you are.

You might be facing challenges, but you are not broken. In fact, you are the hero of your own life. Consider this: What do heroes do when faced with pain, hardship, or heartache? They don’t see themselves as failures; they rise to the occasion and embark on a journey of self-discovery.

As you set your goals and resolutions for the year, remember that self-compassion is your most steadfast ally. It supports you when you stumble and reminds you of your inherent worth.

Here’s to a year filled with self-discovery, compassion, and celebrating the hero within you. You’re not just surviving the story of your life; you’re mastering it with grace.

Laura Jack