The Waves of Grief: A Personal Journey

Sixteen years ago, I lost my precious mother. Just a few weeks ago, as another anniversary passed, I found myself wrestling with a familiar, haunting question: “Shouldn’t I be over this by now?”

This moment of self-doubt strikes a chord that is all too familiar, not just for me, but for anyone navigating the choppy waters of grief. It’s curious how we can become our own harshest critics, especially under the duress of stress and exhaustion. This self-judgment starkly contradicts everything I advocate for in my teachings about embracing our emotions as essential parts of the human experience.

What I am continually relearning is that grief does not adhere to a linear timeline. Anniversaries, birthdays, or even hearing a favorite song can evoke profound feelings. These moments remind us to “feel big” and embrace our emotions fully. Over time, I’ve learned that the more space I allow myself to feel, to cry, and to acknowledge my grief, the less intense the pain becomes during those previously overwhelming "special days."

This realization has led me to a deeper understanding: our feelings are always valid, encompassing grief and every facet of life. If self-judgment haunts you, particularly during times of change, I invite you to join a community committed to navigating these emotions together.

The Unconditional Love Line Collective (formerly known as The Compassion Collective) is a sanctuary where we explore the art of managing emotions, cultivating self and mutual compassion, and mastering effective communication. This community is for those who seek to transform their relationship with themselves and others through heartfelt understanding and support.

If you’re ready to explore this journey and connect with kindred spirits, join us by clicking here. Let’s embrace our feelings together, acknowledging that even when grief revisits, we are not alone in our experiences.

Laura Jack