What's Holding You Back?

Is there something holding you back from being your best, highest self? Having the greatest impact? Making the most money?

Does it feel like you are close, but something is getting in the way of you stepping up as the greatest iteration of yourself? Do you long to be a thought leader, a voice of healing, a guide and helper to many?

Do you wish you knew what was getting in the way of you and your success?

Maybe there are other people in your industry who are not as skilled, but they are having more tangible success, and you are left wondering is MORE possible? Will I be stuck here? What are my obstacles?

What is keeping me from being the success story that I know deep down I am?
This was my story.

I was always really grateful, and I could always justify why what I had was enough, more than enough. I even shoulded myself, "Laura, you SHOULD feel grateful."

What I was denying myself was MORE impact. More connection. More love. More visibility. More money.

All the other stuff --- just symptoms.
Symptoms of doubt around my own enoughness and worthiness.

It all started with acknowledging and healing the deep emotional wounds from my early years.
Did you know that 70% of our beliefs are formed by the time we are 5 years old?
So if we want our inner child to stop driving the car of our life -- we have to make new choices.

We have to be able to look back at the past with deep respect and acknowledgement that our pain, challenges, heartaches, rejections, disappointments were all just wisdom markers on our journey of life.

These wisdom markers are what allow us to help others... they are what help us grow wiser not just older.

Knowledge plus experience and the willingness to grow through our feelings is wisdom.
Wisdom is what gives us the ability to support others. It is what gives us the ability to create a more beautiful world.

However, "wisdom" can also be seen as suffering.
Suffering that has been processed as grief is what leads to wisdom.

However, suffering unprocessed is misery.

Rising above pain and heartache to live a life of joy and service is a CHOICE that we get to make EACH Day. For me, being a coach and an entrepreneur with a mission is a journey with a VOW to continuous development on a soul level.
It can hurt. It can be hard. It is not for the faint of heart.

However, the gift is the greatest EXPANSION of the human experience.
It is like dancing with angels in the stars.

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This vow to continuous growth is the opposite of empty.
It is pure presence.
And it is YOURS if you choose to say yes.

It will not be easy, but it is worth it.

Do you want to dance with joy?
Live at a vibration so high that even pain and heartache are seen as wisdom.

It hurts AND you give thanks for the wisdom markers, the growth.

Thank each soul for the lessons they teach you.
Thank your soul family for reminding you what it feels like breathe easily, freely and completely.

The ones who hurt you are also part of your team. They teach you where you can still grow.

Your time here on Earth is purely to grow.

Do you want to play the game of growth or suffering?


Sometimes, you tap into the memory of your highest self -- your connection to something greater... and then back to being human.

Both are valuable.

Let's elevate the consciousness of the planet. Let's grow together.

Let me be your guide.
I will take your hand-- blow off the dust of societal programming and help you REMEMBER your essence... STEP INTO YOUR GREATNESS.

Your loss was your AWAKENING. Let's not let it be in vain.

Let's elevate. We need you.

Loving life is possible. Having an impact is possible. Sharing your gifts with the world is possible. It is all yours.

It starts with saying yes to yourself.

If you are ready to say yes to living your authentic truth and then sharing your love, compassion, and gifts with the world:

  1. Watch our free training HERE: Compassionate Communication 101 to gain a deeper understanding of why compassion must start with you.

  2. Watch our free training HERE: 4 Shifts for Moving Beyond the Pain of Loss So You Can Rediscover Meaning, Purpose, and Growth in Your Life

  3. Get my book HERE: The Compassion Code: How to say the right thing when the wrong thing happens.

  4. Join our free community HERE: Living The Compassion Code

Laura Jack